A few children find it tough to speak English fluently because some are shy and maybe some don’t want to make mistakes. As a parent, you can help your child to feel more confident and happy by creating an encouraging and positive atmosphere at home. Encourage children to speak firstly and let them find out their mistakes and help them to understand that making mistakes is a completely normal and important part of growing a new skill and learning a new language. No one can be perfect all the time and everyone makes mistakes at times – it’s how we grow to learn day by day. Do not pressurize them to be correct all the time or don’t show disappointment if your kid is not ready to speak yet. Sometimes allowing them to make mistakes is good for them. A school franchise is run by those people who are happy to shape a child’s future. A school is a place where a child can grow not only academically but physically mentally and can learn several skills.

How can we practice English in a stress-free way?

Here are some tips to develop your child’s confidence:

  • You should not pressurize your child to give longer answers. Listen carefully first then correct them gently. Firstly let them try, listen and then correct them gently.
  • Behave gently so your child can express to you what they feel or make them understand that you’re happy and satisfied with what they are saying, it will encourage their self-esteem and they will perform more confidently.
  • Don’t interrupt or correct them every single time when your child is speaking even they are pronouncing wrong don’t interrupt every single time. They are learning so it is allowed to make mistakes, do not expect perfection all the time.
  • Firstly let them finish what they are saying and correct their ‘mistakes’ for later. Don’t stop or interrupt your child when they’re speaking. If you stop to correct, it is badly affecting their self-confidence.
  • Encourage children by giving them opportunities to use words and phrases that they already know well.
  • Allow them to ask questions and make them understand instructions. It will be better if you use your first language to explain if necessary.
  • Help them to speak in small sentences. With a smile, ask your child to tell you something about their dream or maybe about their favorite food. The important and main thing is for your child to speak English words without any hesitation worrying.

Apart from all, don’t force them to do anything let them understand things in their own way. Just create a positive environment and encourage them to speak without any fear or hesitation. Talk to them about what kind of problem they are facing, remember you are there to help them, and encourage them to be more confident, happy, and successful throughout their life.

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