The most common question among parents and teachers is how to improve writing skills for students. Writing is an essential life skill through which students can showcase their learnings. The art of learning to write is as important as learning the process of recitation and speaking. The process of writing does not only require writing down with hands or typing down the words. Writing is not only a physical process but a mental process as well. Writing requires a keen understanding of language, vocabulary, context and creativity. This is your answer to the question of how to improve writing skills for students.

What are Writing Skills?

When we say that one person or student possesses good writing skills, it means that they have sufficient knowledge and skills by which they can express their thoughts in written methods. Good writing skills demand knowledge about the topic one wants to write about and knowledge of language, grammar and vocabulary. In the context of education, writing skills signify a student’s ability to write their study matters, lessons and essays without any hindrance.

Why Writing Skills are Important for Students?

The knowledge of good writing skills is important for everyone but it becomes even more important when it comes to students. Students are in the process of learning new topics and concepts every day and they have to appear for exams and tests frequently. To become a bright student, one has to not only remember what is being taught in the class by their teachers but has to be able to effectively communicate those learnings in their exams and tests. Tips to improve handwriting and as we all know Good writing skills make it easy for students to excel in their academic life and help them get ahead of their peers. 

6 Easy Tips to Improve Writing Skills for Students

The following tips are going to be really helpful if students want to develop or polish and improve writing skills.

1. Indulge in Reading

The most important advice for improving writing skills is that students should increase their reading time. They should read at least 10-20 pages of any literary piece like a novel, short story or autobiography. Reading helps in understanding language and strengthening vocabulary. To become a better writer, students need to become an avid reader first.

2. Keep Spelling and Punctuation in Mind

The knowledge of correct spelling and punctuation marks can help students avoid silly mistakes when they are writing their essays, answers or assignments. If students are unsure about any spelling, then parents and educators should guide them or ask them to double-check that from Google. Students can also learn about punctuation marks from YouTube and do their practice in day-to-day studious tasks.

3. Gain Proficiency in Grammar

It is not possible to form correct sentences without the proper knowledge of grammar. Students should take their grammar lessons seriously in order to strengthen their writing skills. Also, students can learn grammar from grammar books or take the help of various applications available online. Parents and educators should also try to make their grammar learning experience enjoyable so that they can stick to the routine of improving their writing skills.

4. Develop Beautiful Handwriting

An impeccable writer knows that good handwriting plays an important part in developing writing skills. Any written work should be such that it is readable and can be read easily by anyone. Good handwriting not only helps make students’ written content easy to read but also adds the advantage of aesthetics to their work, making it more presentable comparatively.

5. Ask for Guidance Outside of School

Students can ask their parents, friends and School teachers to help them in developing their writing skills whenever necessary. Parents can help their children by giving them engaging tasks and rewarding them when they perform well. Students can also organise handwriting competitions among their friends and peers to encourage themselves and others to perform better and improve their writing skills.

6. Suggest Copying Activities

Copying is a very popular method of writing where students have to copy a neatly pre-written text multiple times. By copying such text, students can easily improve their handwriting and writing skills. There are various such copying books available in online or offline stationery stores. Students can get one such book and practise writing in it daily.


Improving writing skills is definitely not an overnight process. It requires time, effort, discipline and consistency. The sooner students want to develop writing skills, the more time and energy they need to give it. As we all know, practice makes a person perfect, so students should keep practising the above-given tips continuously to improve their writing skills. They will start seeing major developments in just a few weeks.

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