Are you looking for the Best Short Moral Stories for Students? Your search ends here. Stories have always played an essential role in imparting moral values and life lessons to children. Today, we have brought five amazing moral short stories that are very simple, but the lessons from these stories are essential for us to follow.  

These short moral stories are entertaining and teach important moral lessons that every student should apply to their life. These stories are perfect for students due to the ideal blend of creativity and timeless wisdom in them.

List of top 5 best Short Moral Stories for Students

There are plenty of short moral stories for students online, but we have done thorough research and brought the best classic moral stories for students with a modern twist. 

1. The Little Ant and Grasshopper:

In a magnificent forest, a tiny ant named Andy used to live with her friends. Andy was a very hardworking ant, admired by her friends for her discipline. Andy was always busy collecting food with other members of her anthill. In the beautiful summer, when the days were lazy, all the different animals were busy enjoying the day.  

One day, when Andy was hunting for food in the forest, Micky, the lazy grasshopper, approached her and started mocking her, saying that Andy was probably wasting the beautiful summer days by toiling so hard for food. Micky invited Andy to sing and wander around rather than work. Andy politely refused, saying she was preparing for the harsh winter days and advising Mickey to do the same. Mickey replied that winter is far away and he has plenty of food for now.  Andy continues her hard work even after receiving constant mocking from Mickey for being a hard worker and not enjoying life. 

When winter came, the lazy grasshopper Mickey was on the verge of death due to the absence of food. Then, he noticed Andy and her friends distributing corn and grains to needy animals. He realizes his mistake and says sorry to Andy. Andy forgives Mickey for his words. Mickey promises Andy that he will work hard with them starting next summer and help them in every possible way.

Moral of the Story:- 

We should work hard in the present to reap the rewards in the future. First, we should finish our work and then relax. It is good to live in the moment, but one should always be prepared for future circumstances. 

 2. The Greedy Dog with Bread:

Once upon a time, in a very bustling village lived a stray dog named Tobby, infamous for his insatiable appetite and stealing tactics. Toby didn’t believe in earning the meal through kindness but always liked to steal food from villagers.

One morning, when all the villagers begin their day, Toby roams the streets, looking for food to calm his hunger. He sniffed the air for food and followed a scent that led him to a house where fresh rotis were being made. His mouth starts to water as he looks at the freshly made roti. Toby steals a roti from the house when no one is watching him. As Tobi catches a roti in his mouth, the house owner starts screaming at him. He cunningly ran away, showing no remorse. 

Delighted after successfully stealing the roti from the villager, he excitedly heads toward the nearby bridge. He looks at the reflection down in the river. Toby considers his reflection in the pond to be that of another dog and decides to bark at him to make him give up on the roti in his mouth.

In excitement, Toby opens his mouth to bark at the reflection, but the roti falls off him. Toby realized his mistake too late and left with nothing but regret. He had been too greedy and lost everything he had. That day, Toby didn’t get anything to eat and felt so remorseful for the way he used to steal.

Toby decides that he will never steal food from anyone. The greedy Toby learned a valuable lesson about greed and contentment from that day. He no longer stole food but decided to rely on the kindness of villagers who would share scraps with him. After witnessing the change of heart in Toby’s behaviour, villagers start to voluntarily give food to hungry Toby, which provides him with more contentment than stealing. 

Moral of the Story:- 

Always follow the right path to get what you want. Do not cause harm to others to get your desired outcome. We should control emotions like greed because they might cause us to lose everything. 

3. Strong Tree and Weak Herb:

Once upon a time, there was a proud teak tree in the forest. The teak tree was proudly standing strong and tall. A herb was also present near that teak tree. One day, the Teak tree tells the herb, don’t you feel bad for being so tiny and weak? The teak tree tells the herb to look at his beauty and strength. The Herb says to the teak tree that one should not behave arrogantly.

Ignoring the advice of the herb, the Teak tree keeps boasting about his qualities. A strong wind started blowing one day, and the teak tree stood firmly. Even on the days when it rained, the teak tree doesn’t feel the need to bow down as it would be an insult to his strength. The herb always bowed down whenever the strong wind blew or rained heavily.

One day, a powerful storm, like never before, came into the forest. Herb decides to bow down as he always does while advising the teak tree to bow down to keep his leaves and branches safe from falling. The Teak tree laughed in arrogance, mocking the Herb by saying that only a weakling like you has to follow such tactics. The storm was getting more robust, and the Teak tree was unwilling to give up; he kept standing upright with all his leaves and branches. The teak tree’s strength was diminishing. The teak tree’s leaves and branches had fallen off.

After some time, the storm passed, and Herb stood straight. Teak Tree was crying and feeling bad for being arrogant and not following his friend’s advice. The branches of the teak tree were destroyed, and all the leaves had fallen off. His arrogance left him with nothing other than regret. 

Moral of the Story:- 

In this story, we should learn from Herb the importance of humility and adaptability. Excessive pride and arrogance lead to downfall. We should follow the advice given out of genuine concerns from our loved ones.

4. The Ant and the Dove:

On a hot summer day in a forest, an ant felt thirsty. After constantly searching for water, the ant came across a pond. She was smiling because now she could satisfy her thirst. She climbed up to a rock near the pond and tried to drink water from the pond. While drinking the water from the pond, the ant slipped and fell into the water. Ant was drowning and calling for help. Near the pond, a dove was present on the branch of a tree. The dove saw the ant falling into the pond, and to rescue her, he decided to quickly pluck a leaf from the tree and drop the leaf towards the struggling ant.

The ant felt relieved by looking at the leaf coming in her direction and climbed on the leaf quickly. Soon, the leaf reached the dry land. The ant jumped out of the leaf and said thank you to the Dove for saving her life and promised that she would be there for her when he needed her help. 

One day, a hunter visited the forest to catch some birds. The hunter saw the Dove resting under a tree and decided to catch him in his net. The ant saw the hunter preparing his net to trap the Dove. Ant realizes that the Dove is in danger, and she has to help him. Ant goes to the hunter and bites him in the foot, and the hunter lightly screams in pain. The Dove became alert due to his screams and quickly flew away. Dove was feeling thankful in his mind for Ant’s help and realized that good deeds always pay. 

Moral of the Story:- 

Being kind and compassionate and helping other people in need is essential. We should be grateful when others help us reciprocate the kindness we receive. Good deeds often come back to benefit us, sometimes unexpectedly.

5. Two Cats and a Monkey:

Once upon a time, two cats lived in the same neighbourhood. These cats were good friends. One fine day, they found a loaf of bread in the street. They both were starving, so one of the cats suggested dividing the loaf of bread in half. The other cat agreed. The cat divided the loaf of bread, but her friend, the other cat, said that both the parts were unequal, and she gave her the smaller portion.

They started arguing, and the monkey who used to live nearby appeared to solve their problem. Monkey goes to the cats and says, “You don’t have to fight; I have heard your conversation and will help you divide the loaf of bread into equal parts”. The cats were grinning with a big smile, and the monkey was given the loaf of bread to divide into equal parts.

The monkey takes both pieces of bread in his hands and says to the cat, ‘Yes, both these pieces of bread are unequal’ and proceeds to eat a bite from the bigger piece of the bread and says that now they are equal while pretending to hand over the pieces of bread to the cats. But he stops midways and says, ‘No, they are still not equal,’ and eats a bite from another piece of bread. In this manner, the monkey managed to finish the entire loaf of the bread. The cats were remorseful, thinking they would have eaten the loaf of bread if they were not fighting each other. 

Moral of the Story:- 

Both cats could have gotten their share if they had cooperated instead of arguing over portions. The monkey’s manipulation teaches us to be aware of clever and cunning people, especially in conflict. We should always believe in giving other people their fair share. 


These five short moral stories with lessons show how values like kindness, honesty, and fairness must be taught to modern students. At AHPS, we believe in nurturing these qualities alongside academic excellence. We aim to inspire our students to become innovative and compassionate individuals, preparing them to impact the world positively. Join AHPS, where every child’s journey is guided with care and wisdom, preparing them for a bright and fulfilling future.

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